Tuesday 9 October 2012

Reasons Not To Buy An Extended Warranty

Hands up if you have ever been offered, by a sales assistant, the opportunity to extend the warranty of a big ticket item that you are just about to purchase.

I am sure this has happened to you.  Did you take them up on their kind offer or did you knowingly refuse?

There are more reasons than not, why you should refuse such offers.

Do you know why you should not buy an extended warranty?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Incredible Health Benefits of Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is not a commonly understood ingredient. In fact, most people have probably only ever seen it on display in juice bars and if offered a taste, you soon believe this this green liquid is a bitter horrible drink never to be looked at again.

However let me educate you on not only the health benefits of wheatgrass, but the variety of ways it can be grown (so easily) and used.

How to get rid of the appearance of oily skin

If you suffer with oily skin you will understand just how frustrating it can be, particularly if you wear makeup.  There are however some very effective ways to not only help to get rid of the appearance of oily skin, but also help with the maintenance of it and in many cases, these tips will help to reduce it all together.